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Termite Exterminator in Lake Havasu City, AZ

A home provides a safe, comfortable refuge for your family. It’s also a major financial investment. Unfortunately, termites don’t care about issues like trespassing, structural integrity or property values. These destructive pests present a major threat to your Arizona home and effectively thwarting them requires contacting a professional exterminator. Residential termite services that combine routine inspections, expert insight and professional-grade treatments can safeguard your property, your well-being and your wallet by preventing termites from invading your home and causing expensive property damage.

The Trouble With Termites

Termite colonies are insatiable consumers with powerful appetites. They eat 24 hours a day, seven days a week. In the wild, termite activity supports the environment. Their feeding habits help to break down dead wood and other cellulose materials and improve the soil, paving the way for new, healthy growth. However, when termites encounter a human residence, the result is far less positive. If you don’t take steps to prevent it, they may put your home on their menu. These ravenous insects are happy to feast on wood, wallpaper, paper products, plant-based fabrics and other materials used in the construction and furnishing of the structure, so they can literally eat you out of house and home.

How much damage can an insect do? If that insect is a termite, the answer is clear: a lot. Each year, termites cause billions of dollars in property damage. They can cause both cosmetic and structural damage as they eat their way through wooden beams, foundations, insulation, sub-flooring, drywall and other vital components. Even your outdoor living spaces are at risk. Termite activity can damage sheds and other outbuildings, and wreak havoc on your landscaping.

Should You Be Worried About Termites?

Termites are often referred to as silent destroyers. They don’t announce their intentions. They move in quietly, avoiding attention as they slip into your home’s unseen spaces to satisfy their hunger. Should you be worried about termites harming your home?

Termites are found in every state except Alaska, but their populations are highest in warm, southern states. If you own a residential property in Arizona, then you need to be aware of the dangers termites pose and take steps to protect your property, including seeking out residential termite services. Be especially concerned if you see signs of termite activity like damaged wood, mud tubes along the foundation or basement walls, piles of discarded wings, or swarms of termites moving around your property.

Local Termite Exterminators

Havasu Pest Control, Inc., a family-owned and operated pest control company serving those who live and work in Arizona since 1973, takes pride in delivering top-quality services that our clients can count on. We may have grown to be one of the region’s largest independently owned and operated pest control companies, and we aren’t content to rest on our laurels. Our service technicians are knowledgeable, detail-oriented experts who work hard to deliver excellent customer service, have a solid grasp of the latest handling and application techniques and are certified by the Arizona Office of Pest Management. When you reach out to Havasu Pest Control, Inc., we make your satisfaction our priority. If you’re worried about a pest problem, we have the solution. Contact us today to learn more about how our services can benefit you and request a free quote.

Contact Havasu Pest Control Inc. to schedule your service today!